Unclaimed or Lost Betting Tickets

Unclaimed Betting Tickets

If you are in possession of an unclaimed winning ticket you should write to RBC enclosing the original ticket and a note with your full name, address and telephone number (or pop into our office if you are passing by). This must NOT be a photocopy of the ticket although it is advisable to take a photocopy or a picture on your phone before sending it to RBC.

RBC will then write to the bookmaker informing him/her of details of the claim. The bookmaker will check his/her records for an outstanding bet.

If the bookmaker has an outstanding bet that matches the details given, s/he will forward payment to RBC. On receipt of this, RBC will then forward it to you and return the original ticket to the bookmaker.

Tickets are valid for one month from the date of issue. Beyond this time the payment of an unclaimed ticket is at the bookmaker's discretion, although payment is normally made without a problem if the ticket is in its original condition and there are no unusual circumstances relating to the bet.

Lost Betting Tickets

If you have lost your ticket and you have not contacted the Betting Ring Manager on duty on the raceday, then we are unable to process your claim. With so many different bookmakers processing such a large volume of bets at each race meeting (around 30 million bets are placed with on-course bookmakers each year), lost tickets cannot be processed if they are not brought to the attention of the Betting Ring Manager on the day. Payment will be made only if you are in possession of your ticket, as explained above. 

Click here to contact RBC