Many of you will no doubt be aware of the recent formation of a new bookmaker association, the United Council of Racecourse Bookmakers (UCORB). However, the BRBA Board wishes to inform members that the BRBA intends to continue to operate as a separate entity. We assure members of our resolve that our Association will continue to support them and their interests, just as it has done for the past 100 years.

Several BRBA Board members plan to meet, in the near future, with UCORB representatives where we (BRBA) hope to explore the opportunity of working with UCORB to present a ‘one-voice’ approach in negotiations with third-party organisations (racecourses and regulatory/disciplinary bodies) concerning matters of common interest.

The BRBA directors would like to express their gratitude to members for their continuing support of the Association in its centennial year.

The BRBA Board